Newborn baby girl photo with yellow wrap and flowers

Fine art newborn photography at home

From the delicacy of your newborn's tiny toes to the softness of their wispy hair, the first few weeks of a baby's life are completely unique. As a mother of a young daughter, I know just how quickly babies change and grow. Watching this amazing process unfold is exciting, yet it can pass in the blink of an eye. That’s why I offer bespoke newborn photoshoot experiences in homes across Kent, cherishing precious moments before your baby starts to change. I’ll work with you before and during your 2-3 hour session to ensure your final images are unique to you.

Newborn baby boy in blue wrap and prop holding teddy bear
Newborn baby boy in brown wrap with brown and blue hearts
Newborn baby girl in pink wrap in prop with flowers
Newborn baby boy in bed prop in green wrap
Newborn twin boys in prop with brown wraps touching noses
Newborn baby girl in green wrap with pink and green headband
Newborn baby girl asleep in prop with purple halo
Newborn baby girl in purple wrap and hat
Newborn baby girl in prop with hat and autumn colour scheme
Newborn baby boy in prop with blue wrap
Newborn baby boy in brown wrap with autumn theme
Newborn baby girl asleep in prop with yellow headband
Newborn baby girl with sibling in pink
Newborn baby girl in purple wrap with flower headband
Newborn baby boy with sibling in blue
Newborn baby boy smiling in green wrap
Newborn baby boy in brown wrap and teddy bear hat
Newborn baby girl asleep in prop with pink wrap
Newborn baby girl asleep in basket prop pink theme
Newborn baby girl in purple wrap with purple hearts
Newborn baby boy in prop with christmas theme
Newborn baby girl wearing Christmas theme halo
Newborn baby in prop with christmas hat
Newborn baby boy in bowl prop in blue wrap


“Helen did an amazing job on my daughter’s newborn session. She was fairly fussy that morning but Helen managed to get beautiful pictures of her”


“Helen radiates passion and professionalism. Her creativity and patience has given us some beautiful photos that we’ll treasure forever”

Baby boy wrapped in blue wrap with family's hands
Newborn baby girl in pink wrap in box prop
Newborn baby boy in brown wrap awake and looking at camera